Are Fake Security Cameras Effective?

Are fake security cameras effective? The answer is a resounding “Yes.”

Fake security cameras have helped to prevent many crimes. Mounted in high profile, totally visible locations, these cameras are not hooked up to anything, they mostly operate for a long time on batteries and sometimes have a few flashing lights or other obvious characteristics to make them look as if they are doing something.

Many a would-be robber has changed his or her mind about entering someplace illegally after spotting one of these dummy security cameras looking right at them. With today’s technology, an inexperienced thief really has no way to know whether or not he’s looking at a wireless, state of the art surveillance device or a fake security camera. Some of them actually pan back and forth, although these require more frequent battery changes.

Fake security cameras are especially effective in areas that you expect to be covered by security cameras. For instance, many of the cameras in subway stations around the world are fake security cameras and nobody can tell the difference. During hard times, when the crime rates inevitably rise and cities are strapped for cash, the ratio of fake cameras to real ones was about 2-to-1 in some metropolitan areas.

Knowing that the fake cameras would be regarded as real, the fakes were sprinkled in among the real ones to provide an extra incentive for would-be robbers and thieves to practice their trade in another location. Except for the lack of recorded footage provided by the real cameras, dummy security cameras are almost as effective in reducing crime rates in subways as the real ones are.

Only sophisticated thieves can tell — at a distance — whether they are being observed by a real security camera.

Guns And Home Security

Guns have always been a sure way to protect yourself and your home, although things have changed quite a bit over the years. Even though those who live in the United States have a right to bear arms, there are also certain responsibilities that come along as well. Those who own guns have the responsibility of protecting their home and their family – and also their guns. Anyone who owns a gun may have self protection in mind – although he also has a priority to protect his guns as well.

Anyone who owns a guns should never allow them to fall into someone else’s hands. To ensure this never happens, the gun owner should always keep his gun collection locked away in a safe or gun cabinet. You can get many different sizes of gun safes, that will hold a variable amount of guns. Anything can happen if the wrong individual gets a hold of your guns, which is why you should always make sure that they are well protected – and locked up.

Gun owners can protect their own property as well, by storing their guns in fireproof gun safes. Fireproof gun safes can protect guns and keep them safe, even if everything else burns to the ground. Even though gun owners have the responsibility to keep their guns out of the reach of others, they also have the right to ensure that no harm comes to their guns as well.

Fireproof guns safes will also keep guns safe from children as well. All children are curious, and like to get their hands on anything they can. If you leave your guns lying around and not locked up, a child will eventually find it. You should also ensure that your guns are never loaded either, as a child can really hurt himself if he finds a loaded gun. Although you may keep your guns locked up in a fireproof safe – you should also make sure that the ammo is out of the guns and locked away in the safe as well.

Keep in mind that children may look for your gun on purpose, knowing that the guns are something that you use. Therefore, simply putting your guns on a higher shelf doesn’t really protect your children. If a child wants something bad enough, he or she will do anything possible to get it. The only real way to keep your guns safe from children is to ensure that they are always locked up in fireproof safe or traditional gun safe.

Children may show interest in guns at an early age, which can be a good thing but can also be a bad thing. At a young age, a child won’t know anything about gun safety. Therefore, if a child happens to come across your guns, bad things can happen. If you have guns if your home, you should always make a point to teach your children gun safety. This way, they will know that they aren’t allowed to handle your guns, and they’ll be aware of what can happen if they do.

By keeping your guns in a fireproof safe or traditional gun safe, you’ll keep your guns safe from children or others. Fireproof safes will also keep your guns safe from fire as well, which makes them an ideal investment. Although you can also get a traditional gun safe if you prefer, fireproof safes are by far the best way to go. You can keep your guns safe from children, others, and even fire – which makes them more than worth the money.

Intrusion Detection

If you think of intrusion detection as you would for intrusions into your home, you will find that once someone ‘breaks in’ they have destroyed much of your hard work, both physically and emotionally. They have done damage and invaded your space. Effectively detecting whether or not these ‘break ins’ are happening is very important for your business. Effective intrusion detection can protect confidentiality, integrity and availability resources.

You have two choices here. You can go with manual intrusion detection or automated. In manual, you will need to perform searches to exam log files or look for other signs that someone has gotten in. But, with automated intrusion detection, the system will take care of the work for you allowing for a more complete exam as well as one that can be counted on and done on a timely basis. They can be host based or network based. Automated systems are generally called IDS’s.

When something is found by the IDS, it will alert you that a possible intrusion has occurred. This can be done through sending an email alert, by logging relevant information or even by contacting via mobile phone or pager. It will be up to you to determine what has happened and how it happened though. Usually, intrusion detection does not prevent intrusion, nor does it fix any problems that arise due to it. But, effective intrusion detection is still necessary and relying on an automated system will make sure you are up to date as needed.

With our economy slowing down, burglaries are up and you run the risk of someone else wanting to take your stuff for their own. While burglary rates have been declining recently, they still number about 25 per 1,000 households. It makes sense to have some sort of motion detection camera set up in your home or your office to catch any intruders.

The definition of burglary is the unlawful or forcible entry or attempted entry of a residence. Burglary usually, though not always, involves theft. The punk is usually strung out on drugs and does not work, and needs money to support their habit. The use force to break into your home or office by breaking a window or slashing a screen. They can also enter through an unlocked window or door. Whatever way they use to gain entrance to the building, as long as they have no legal right to be there, a burglary has occurred.

Also, the building need not be your home or office for a burglary to take place. Illegal entry of any garage, shed, or any other structure on the premises also constitutes a burglary. Burglary can even occur at a hotel or when you are on vacation, it’s still classified as a burglary.

Unless you have a security guard inside to watch your property 24/7, the simplest thing you can do is to have some type of surveillance camera in place to protect your property. If you can’t afford a multi-camera video surveillance system, there are a couple choices for single unit motion detection cameras that are self contained and can record pictures to internal memory.

Contact Right Security Solutions today so we can help you. This is a simple matter of applying basic security which we are confident in building even the most complex ones.